Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Day Off

So lately I have been getting more days off then I would like to have. Luckily luz and I got to have the same days off at least so we decided to go out the tunnels an go play around.

We then ended up meeting up with some friends while we where out there that had the same idea as we did. These guys all ride what we call alternative snow transportation snowskates snowbikes etc. so we found us a good spot and had some fun.

I picked it right up, then my buddy said we could try doubles so I was game.

Luz had so much fun she decided to try herself

She did great it was alot of fun. By the time we got home our shoes were drenched but it was a

great day.


Jennifer said...

Wow! Look at all that snow! Hopefully it will be a good snow year for you guys. I'm excited you guys started a blog. It is so much fun to see pictures of everyone when we live so far away. Take care.

Sammie said...

Hi guys
So glad you started a blog! It's great to keep up with you.
Love, Mom